Review: Eat Pray Love

Eat Pray Love is a dull and poorly executed picture that meanders, is no where near as good as it thinks it is, and fails to engage or fill us with emotion almost every step of the way. Liz Gilbert isn’t happy in life and when she decides she can’t take it any more she […]

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Review: Public Enemies

Michael Mann is back with a period biopic that chronicles the life of John Dillinger in his glory days as a criminal and the results are superb technically but it is missing that special something to make it an absolutely amazing film. Now, what is that special something? I don’t know. But as we pick […]

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Review: Watchmen

The most acclaimed graphic novel of all time translates into an epic and fascinating film that is engaging, precise, and does great justice to its origins but might be a bit to inaccessible to Watchmen virgins. ‘The Comedian is dead’ and his death puts this film into motion. Rorschach, a shape shifting masked vigilante, use […]

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